The family History Pages

of Trevor Strudwick





It may be a little unusual, having two lines in your family sharing the same surname, and not being related. I have these two Denyer lines in my family, and this one is my wife's. This family were not so easy to trace, or to find their origins. The late 19th century saw them move around quite a lot to different villages in order to find work. This made it more difficult to find out where they settled, and for how long. The village of Stedham, Sx., and adjoining parishes near the South Downs, seem to be the origin of my wife's family.

My Later research shows the family were living at the following places: Edward Denyer with his first wife were living at Artington, Guildford according to the 1901 census, and he was employed as a "Gardener/Domestic".   Edward Denyer and his second wife Elizabeth, in 1907, were living at West Clandon, nr.Guidford. Prior to this at Compton,Sy. (not sure of the dates at present) George pictured below was born at Liss, Hampshire. So, Edward and his 1st wife may have lived here for awhile. 1913 has Edward living at Cranleigh, 1920 at Sutton Park, nr Guildford and then 1922 at Burdenshott Farm, Worplesdon, Guildford. He certainly moved around quite a lot presumably, to follow work!

To see the line of descent, (family tree) click on:  Denyer2 tree


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georgedenyer.jpg (15379 bytes)                                               

George Denyer  b.1898  d.1916  1st W.W.                                       Edward Denyer in centre                        Edward Denyer  1861 - 1940  

                                                                                                                                                                                                 a "Woodman"



  Emma-Eliza Denyer (nee Mills)1897 - 1903    Elizabeth-Ann Denyer (nee West)1879 - 1962        Edward Denyer 

                                                                                                                                                                         Late 1930's                                        



William Denyer(1914 - 2005) & Kath(nee Marshall)1915 - 1997  (My mother & father-in-law)


Last updated: 01-02-2009

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